Welcome To Tutors Registration.

Learn. Grow. Succeed with New Zion Tutorials, Is The Golden Rule.
Thank you for choosing India's largest tutor search platform, New Zion Tutorials. It is a one-stop for all your requirements in finding students from your nearby locations and Pan India. Teacher's can Register Now and start Taking classes after Completion of verification Process and other Process by us for Newly registered Teachers.Non Refundable One Time Teachers Registeration Fee is Rs 7699.Registered Teachers will be issued Id Cards and Students allocated accordingly. For More Details Contact 8779699899.

Eligibility Criteria for Teachers is as mentioned Below:

There are many different roles in education. All roles require different skills. Here, we also have some required skills to become a good tutor/trainer/teacher.

Qualifications- We welcome all Teachers to "New Zion Tutorials"; Team whose qualifications must be minimum Graduate / Post Graduate With D.ED , B.ED, M.ED from a reputed school/college. If you have a bachelor’s/graduation/post-graduation/master's degree in any subject, you are welcome in our organization.

  • Communication– A big part of teaching is having good communication. You should have good communication skills. With the help of good communication skills, you will be able to deliver the information to your students in a very effective way. It should be two-way traffic- what you are trying to explain, students need to understand and what students are trying to ask, you need to understand. It should be loud and clear. It can be verbal and non-verbal.

  • Creativity-Creativity is a huge skill, you must have. You should know how to make the class more fun, interesting and effective. It is up to you to be creative in your approach, finding novel and enjoyable ways for your students to learn.

  • Patience– First you should admit that all students are not the same, to their level, way of understanding, grasping capacity, learning capacity, reading and writing skills. Some of the students understand the subjects or concepts very quickly, while some of them need more attention and time. Some of the students might ask you a concept many times. At that point of time, you need to handle with more patience, calm, and without losing your temper. You should have the skills to deal with these kinds of students.

  • Enthusiasm– Your enthusiasm is infectious. If you love your subject and job, you will be able to engage your students, what you teach.

  • Confidence– Some students can smell your fear, no matter with whom you are dealing with, kids, or adult students. You should have depth/thorough knowledge about your subjects because you are directing to your class. You should have enough confidence that you can deal with any kind of situation, students, classes, and parent’s question-answer session.

  • Dedication– Any work done in a good manner needs dedication. This is education where you are dealing with the student’s future and parent’s dreams. Here, you need to be more careful and have full dedication because you are going to be someone’s life changer/ideal.

  • Conflict resolution– you should be able to resolve the conflict when it arises. Especially it happens with secondary school students. This can be a big part of the job. If you can defuse the tense situation before they explode, the teaching carrier always welcomes you.

  • Organization– you should always be honest and faithful to the organization, you are working with. Don’t try to hide any information related to student’s study to the organization. If any dispute arises between you and student/parents inform the organization right away, the organization will always sand behind you are right in your point and good book of the company. Never try to cheat your organization because it has given you a chance to prove yourself and to earn, learn and shine.

  • Yes, you are required to submit copies of your qualifications, experience certificates, two passport size photograph, identity and address proof, and local address proof. After receiving your online tutor’s registration form, the concerned department scans your profile. We will conduct an online interview session and test. After selection, if any student’s requirement matches your profile, you are informed by call/sms/e-mail.

Teachers Registeration Form.

Tutoring Job.

Tutor Job Description/Summary

We always look forward to an experienced/trained/talented/well qualified and reliable tutor to join our “NEW ZION TUTORIALS” team. You will work with students of all ages in a variety of subjects, either one-to-one or in small groups, to assist and help in completing assignments, developing relevant skills, better understanding, or basics in a specific subject. After each tutoring session, you need to document what task you worked on so that you can share the student’s progress with their parents. After having a week tutoring session, you must conduct a test (weekly test). It will help you understand the student’s progress. After each session, you need to sign on the attendance sheet in proof of you have taken class, taught subjects and duration. After completing one month’s classes, you must inform and share the attendance sheet with the signature of parents to the company.

Majorly you are asked to perform some tasks:

  • Help students improve their learning skills.

  • Detect the specific needs of each student.

  • Teach supplementary lesion.

  • Conduct tests on a regular basis.

  • Create test reports.

Tutor Duties and Responsibilities

For parents/students

  • Dig out the student’s subject’s requirements.

  • Analyze the academic level of the student.

  • Act according to the student’s requirements.

  • Discuss what subject or problem students need help with.

  • Explain the problem-solving method in an easy language.

  • Set lesion goals and milestones.

  • Show a positive attitude.

  • Provide encouragement and motivation.

  • Prepare materials specific to upcoming tests.

  • Always appreciate the students and inform the parents if he/she has done a good job.

  • Document progress to discuss with parents and school teachers.

  • Always be well dressed.

For the company

  • After each session fill-up the attendance sheet, provided by the company.

  • If any dispute arises between you and student/parent, inform the company right away.

  • Any feedback (positive/negative) given by student/parent, let the company know.

  • If a parent/student trying to cheat the company or asking you to teach directly, inform the company right away.

  • After completing a month, inform the concerned department of the company to process your salary.


Beneficary Name: Zion Placement Consultancy and Services.

Bank Name: Jana Small Finance Bank.


IFSC Code:JSFB0004763.